Corporate Art


Making the energy of business flow…


If people are the lifeblood of any business—and they are—the stimuli around them play a great role in happiness and productivity. Which in turn can critically impact profitability. Studies have shown that obvious sensory input such as temperature, lighting and noise affect people in different ways and there are optimal levels for maximum performance. Some of the more subtle aspects of an environment such as furniture, office layout, wall color, and yes artwork may seem frivolous at face value but conversely have been shown to profoundly impact creativity, efficiency and productivity.


This is the business Art WeWall focuses on… provide a rich array of aesthetically superior, spiritual, meaningful and provocative artwork for the walls of your company… all designed to make people think in new and different ways, which fostering comfort and ease with the work and the team.


Here’s how it works.

Architects/Designers/Decorators: It is your relationship with, and knowledge of the client that drives the situation. We respect this 100% and our team of design professionals work with you to find sources of looks and feels that work with your minds eye to create the end result. Your choice is to purchase our original artwork, request reproductions of our original artwork on a variety of substrates from fine papers to canvas, or to commission work from us, identifying, color palette, shapes, patterns, substraits, framing, etc. You will see studies and then final development based on the number of pieces you require.


End Client

Although we typically work with your designers and architects who understand your needs and vision, occasionally end clients want to make some choices themselves. In this case we take you through the process carefully so that you understand the various alternative available to to. Additionally, if there are professionals in the loop we keep them apprised of our progress with you so that it is much more of a team approach… with you driving the boat.


Whatever your desire, we can create environments in your offices, homes or home offices that stimulate, fascinate and motivate. Please contact us at anytime with your ideas, thoughts and requests.


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