About Art WeWall


Although art is a very personal subject… both for the viewers and for the artists themselves, in a sense it is designed to bring us together. To communicate on a base level some kind of universal truth.

And that is the concept of Art WeWall… which was devised by Rony Sussan as a kind of homonymic (not a word) turn of phrase that when said quickly can be heard as “Aren’t We All?”

We all are affected by the same things in life, we all care about the same things. So art should speak to those elements. When one looks at art and says to themselves, “this makes me feel something that is reflected in the human spirit”, the corollary to this can and should be… Aren’t We All?

Especially today, we need a call to arms for togetherness and consensus. Art that makes us feel as though we are a part of a bigger idea helps that on a core level.

Welcome to Art WeWall.


About Rony Sussan… the Spirit Guide of Art WeWall

Only a spiritual person of the highest order would be able to fuel both the concept of Art WeWall as well as the fantastic visions that appear on our digital wall.

Rony Sussan was inspired in his early years by the beauty of visual arts… awakening in him an amazing talent that later became the main source of expression of his path.

He was was born in Tiberias, Israel, the third of six children.  His attraction to art was manifested at a young age, finding it as an escape from life.  His fascination of interpersonal dynamics led him to be the subject of some of his paintings.

Upon conclusion of his military service he studied art in Tel Aviv.  Shortly after meeting his wife, he moved to the United States to continue the search of his next adventure. Rony graduated from Maryland Institute College of Art where he received an art degree.

In Israel as well as the United States, he was a well-known graphic artist and private business owner. But this was not enough. Always searching, Rony was introduced to the wisdom of Kabbalah and immersed himself in the study.

For the last 18 years, he has been even more deeply involved in this ancient understanding acting as a teacher, a guide, a rabbi, and a friend to a multitude of people in a wide array or religions and spiritual belief systems. His continuing work in painting reflects and is inspired by the people he meets and the teachings of Kabbalah. As a result, Rony has traveled the world sharing this knowledge; gaining different perspectives and insight that can best be understood through his timeless art.

The artist’s signature shows his deep sense of spirituality and his early roots in Israel.  His unconventional use of color captures intense expression and moments of self-reflection and vulnerability along with the exceptional precision of the harmony of his brushes and colors.  Rony illustrates his perspective through a mastery of light, shadows and shades of ocean blue. The variety of his styles from realism to cubism to abstract to impressionism and surrealism is a testament to the wide array of his experiences and the people he impacts.


Rony Sussan- Curriculum Vitae

  • Born: May 3,1955- Tiberias, Israel- 6th Generation in Israel

  • High School- 1973 Architecture Major

  • Israeli Air Force- 1973-1976- Personnel Security

  • Avni School of Design, Tel Aviv- 1976-1979 BA Degree in Art

  • Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD 1979-1982 BA Degree in Art

  • Business: Successful Graphic Design Business Printing & Manufacturing of Signage and Theatrical Scenic Design, Tiberias Israel 1982-1989

  • Business: Successful Graphic Design Business, Los Angeles,CA 1989

  • Becomes United States Citizen-1990

  • International Kabbalah Centre- Los Angeles,CA 1990-1995 Initiates Personal Study in Judaism and Kabbalistic Spiritual Learning

  • Director, Tiberias Kabbalah Centre, Tiberias, Israel 1995-2000

  • Director, Haifa Kabbalah Centre, Haifa, Israel 2000-2003

  • Senior Instructor, Los Angeles Kabbalah Centre, Los Angeles, CA 2003-2007

  • Senior Instructor, The Kabbalah Centre, New York and Uniondale, NY 2007-2017

  • Spiritual Leader/Torah Scholar/Rabbi, The Havayah Centre at Temple

  • Torah, Little Neck, NY 2018-Present

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